All rights whatsoever in the works and other materials present on this site are fulIy protected.
No performance may take place or use can be made of  unless a written licence has first been obtained.
Application for permission to produce, reproduce, perform or make any use of them in any form by professionals and amateurs must be addressed to the CONTACTS on this site.  
If for some reason you do not succeed in getting a reply please contact the Writers' Guild of Great Britain or, if in Italy, the Societa' Italiana per Autori e Editori (SIAE) both of which the author is a member of.
Tutti i diritti connessi con testi e materiali presenti in questo sito sono strettamente riservati.
Nessun spettacolo puo' aver luogo, e nessun uso e' concesso senza che si sia prima ottenuta una licenza scritta.
Per il permesso di produrli, riprodurli, metterli  in scena o farne qualsiasi altro uso in qualsiasi forma le compagnie professioniste o dilettanti devono indirizzare domanda ai CONTATTI di questo sito.
Se per qualche ragione non avete successo a ricevere una risposta siete pregati di contattare la Writers' Guild of Great Britain o, se in Italia, la Societa' Italiana per Autori e Editori (SIAE)  essendo  l'autore membro di entrambe.

Copyright Protection in Written Works

The titles, works, articles, materials, etc. in this web site are fully protected under the Copyright Laws of the British Commonwealth of Nations, the United States of America and all countries of the Berne and Universal Copyright Conventions.
All rights, including Stage, Motion Picture, Radio, Television, Public Reading and Translations into Foreign Languages, are strictly reserved.
No part of these works may lawfully be reproduced in ANY form or by ANY means -- photocopying, typescript, recording (including video recording), manuscript, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise -- or be transmitted or stored in a retrieval system, without prior written permission.

Website copywright

Material on this site is protected by copyright. The copyright owner is Michele Celeste. You may not make alterations or additions to the material on this site, or sell it or misappropriate it.